Thursday, April 3, 2008

Perked up

Okay so I'm really starting to think my emo bout has worn off. And that's a good thing! Leaves time for more productivity and less in the depressive muck of....MUCKINESS. On a side note, I need to really fix this blog up a bit, it's quite BORING if I should say so myself. There is really no reason for anyone to come here like EVER. I need more pictures, more focus, and most of all more cats. Yes cats. Why? Because cats are cute and they'll cute up everything they touch until the entire world is well....CUTE. Some cats though are messy and get their litter boxes everywhere, like the fucking kitchen counter. GROSS.

So yeah...I recently received a Bahamut's Staff, which makes me a happy camper ^_^

Other notables: Usukane Sune-Ate and Noritsune Kote.

Friday is Froggy Friday this week. Hopefully Zhay drops some gote so a certain MNK can be a happy MNK again! *rolls eyes* Oh and please Ms. Sixth Floor Madame....drop some Macha's Pigaches for me!

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