Friday, April 4, 2008

Minor Malfunction in lolsea

So I was put on the spot yesterday in Sea and I led everyone to a dead end where the Ix'MNK ??? spawns. We were searching for Temperance which I haven't had a problem popping alone. I must have had a brain malfunction or something see for some reason we had went NW first which is a nono imo. Normally to hit all of the towers within the period of a day I take the npc near SW and start N so you can work your way back through the portals without needing to wait on the npc etc. Anyway, I usually go N, NW, SW run to the otherside. NE, then downstairs and into SE. It's not hard by any means. Griffie had us all move together which to me was counter productive. It would've been much easier to put a BLM at each tower and kill at the same time. Yeah the downside to this is losing a lot of exp when Gravity wears if you do not know how to hold it in a corner of one of those square shaped rooms, but to me I find it most efficient because everyone has something to do death or no death. Oh well, shit happens I'm not that upset about it. I plan on going back to pop it probably today, I just hope for the love of god that people are on to help when I pop it.

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