Thursday, April 24, 2008

On the Dying Linkshell

So...Linkshells die all the time right? Of course they do, I've only seen it happen three times since I started playing FFXI. It's not fun to see it happen either, as you kinda lose touch with people whom you spend (spent) most of your casual time with. Not to mention it's incredibly retarded to have to start over somewhere new when you like your current Linkshell as it was prior to it's failure to survive.

What exactly are the tell-tale signs of a dying LS? (IN MY OPINION! MINE, MINE, MINE! /points at the word opinion)

1. A sudden drop in event attendance

This is usually a gradual process one-by-one people begin to stop coming to events, most of them without notice, of which many do not return for whatever reason. When this happens you'll have 30+ people attend one event one week and 12 people attend the next. Often times events are canceled because of this as it more often than not would waste the time of the people that actually gave a damn to come. Also if there's only 8 people on your LS (for LSes with 30+ normally) on the weekend at all times, it's a pretty good indication your LS in headed for the shitter.

2. Decrease in Morale

It's a good sign that your Linkshell is dying if everyone has seemed to get discouraged over everything and anything that goes wrong. That is never getting that one drop, always getting screwed over with the same lame drop (HALLO Omega's Eyes, Bahamut's Hose, Xarc BST AF2...fuck yeah!), wiping to something utterly stupid, not claiming HNMs, people not showing up to events, etc. etc. ad infinitum. Just know when emo levels go off the deep end and your LS is utterly devoid of any motivation at's a good sign that it's going to implode.

3. /socialls on on on (HNMLS onry)

When LS leaders constantly joke about going social, in response to the LS's overall low attendance, and even lower morality it's probably closer to the end than you might like to think. ><

4. When everyone has everything, drop wise

Why is there a need to do anything then, if everyone has everything? There isn't plain and simple, and usually "everyone" doesn't include you.

5. When the LS leaders can't agree on anything

When this happens LS's 'splode. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. Either way your LS is eventually going straight to Hell.

6. When your LS leader(s) take off with the bank

Mmmmmmm, yeah. If this happens, it's a good sign your LS is already dead. Give yourself a pat on the back fof spending all those hours farming Dynamis/HNMs/Sky/and whatever else so that your former LS leader could afford his new flat screen 42" HD TV.

So I guess that's all I really had to say, I'm sure there's other things people can add to this, and things I forgot to put in here, but oh well, maybe next time!

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