Monday, April 28, 2008

It's Over...

Foodmonsters, my LS, is dead. Grifter, the LS leader decided to pull the plug last night after its four year history wrecking havoc on the Carbuncle server. It wasn't at all a surprise to me either. People were just not logging on anymore for anything and the twelve to fifteen people that remained with the exception of about five of us didn't come on save for events or Einherjar only. As a good LS mate of mine was "inevitable." Honestly, I feel a bit devastated that I won't be seeing my friends too much anymore, I cried a little last night and some this morning on the way to work about this (it's stupid to cry over a game I know lol). It's very saddening, probably even moreso or equal to my decision to leave DRF and the game for three months back in August. I am really, really going to miss FM, everyone in it, and all the things I was able to do with them. I killed everything in the game I never was able to in DRF. It was definitely a most righteous six months that I spent with these guys and I am going to have many good memories of my experience in FM when I finally decide to quit FFXI. I want to thank everyone in FM for making most of my in game dreams come true, haha so awesome to finally be a Novio/Gaiter BLM. Big thank yous go out to: Vygun, Humnoi, Grifter, Batang, Kayn, Lyramion, Akatosh, Xanthe, Silencer, Paz, Lordender, Lukebalroyjr, Lokim (<3), Defsoul, Unholy, Mandalorian, Shaqswede, Artti, Odinblade, Lex, Enjou, and last but not least Clpower. This was the FM I knew. ;;

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