Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Call me Boss...Mega Boss.
That's right folks. I made my own LS. More to come soon. Did I mention I named it DownRightFierce?
Monday, April 28, 2008
It's Over...
Foodmonsters, my LS, is dead. Grifter, the LS leader decided to pull the plug last night after its four year history wrecking havoc on the Carbuncle server. It wasn't at all a surprise to me either. People were just not logging on anymore for anything and the twelve to fifteen people that remained with the exception of about five of us didn't come on save for events or Einherjar only. As a good LS mate of mine said...it was "inevitable." Honestly, I feel a bit devastated that I won't be seeing my friends too much anymore, I cried a little last night and some this morning on the way to work about this (it's stupid to cry over a game I know lol). It's very saddening, probably even moreso or equal to my decision to leave DRF and the game for three months back in August. I am really, really going to miss FM, everyone in it, and all the things I was able to do with them. I killed everything in the game I never was able to in DRF. It was definitely a most righteous six months that I spent with these guys and I am going to have many good memories of my experience in FM when I finally decide to quit FFXI. I want to thank everyone in FM for making most of my in game dreams come true, haha so awesome to finally be a Novio/Gaiter BLM. Big thank yous go out to: Vygun, Humnoi, Grifter, Batang, Kayn, Lyramion, Akatosh, Xanthe, Silencer, Paz, Lordender, Lukebalroyjr, Lokim (<3), Defsoul, Unholy, Mandalorian, Shaqswede, Artti, Odinblade, Lex, Enjou, and last but not least Clpower. This was the FM I knew. ;;
Friday, April 25, 2008
COP woes, and my DRF Days (Part...the First)
Downrightfierce was my first real linkshell. Prior to joining I had been in Fiador's GrimAngels (social/fun time LS), the Summoner LS Hornie from May-ish of '06 to October, and in TheAftermath/CaptainCaveman (HNMLS) from Oct '06 to early January of '07. I joined DRF in frustration of my experiences in AM, which was full of recieving nothing other that Rostrum Pumps (which I paid for and we almost wiped on...lolAM...thank god for Mowgul), and Beaucedine access over a period of 3 months, which in retrospect of how lucky I am today a pretty crappy rate of getting drops. I also left AM for the utter lack of help I had received in my journey to Al'Taieu. I literally set everything up with people I had met leveling Summoner up (luckily I had BLM lvled). Keep in mind this was pre-nerf COP, exp. loss etc was still a threat to people interested in getting Sea. My snoll and airship mission runs were horrible...so much exp and time wasted on those but I eventually got through them. It's funny too, after I gained Sea access I suddenly got help from AM/and CC people towards getting my Tamas Ring...go figure. My COP story was full of drama and from that point on after finishing I had successfully helped a lot of people in DRF attain access to it after being able to criticize what went horribly wrong in my own experience.
So...DRF. Yes, it was my first real Linkshell, where I solidified my relationships with people whom I still speak to today. It all started with my friend from Hornie, Amanada and his promy ENM group whom I started to go with for a while on a weekly basis. It was here where I met DJ MK (Mogknight) the temperamental tarutaru PLD whom I would come very well acquainted with in the coming months. I met Poombala (Maat's cap lady) here too, a very odd individual, whom I could never really understand fully but she was a nice person and I've pretty much got along with her. It was during the week of the 21st of December that I had to decided to leave TheAftermath as we did absolutely nothing in that LS due to the time of year...which was crap. I wanted to play. So around January 11th or so I had finally responded to one of Mogknight's shouts to openly recruit members into his LS. I joined up immediately after asking him some questions. I don't even remember what I had asked to be honest, but the point is I joined and DRF became my home until August 13th 2007 in FFXI.
The leadership at the time of my joining consisted of Mogknight (shellholder), Thelan (sack), and Aelvin (sack). This is where I really had started to play the game, in my opinion, after learning the basic ropes of how an HNMLS operated from AM. I was there for DRF's major firsts: first Weekend God run, first Kirin, first Dynamis (San D'oria), first official Limbus run, first Northlands run, first Sea farm, first Vrtra (w/CC), first Proto-Omega etc. I had only gone Summoner to one DRF event ever. That event being our first god run where Moggie kindly let me lot the LS's first Zenith Crown. From that point in time on I came BLM to everything, with the exception of a few things I had come RDM to after I finished leveling that in March of '07.
Eventually, I was made into a sack for DRF, not just because of Moggie's sensibilities for me but because I had been playing such an active role in shaping what the LS was becoming. People would follow me and listen to what I said before I was made a sack so I guess it was only natural that I was made one. I also think Moggie made me a sack to somehow keep me from leaving the LS. (This had eventually been a futile effort, as I had left the game over the state of the LS in August of '06). From there on I had been accepted into Moggie's circle of friends and began having weekly LS meetings with them (eventually contributing over Teamspeak as well, where I finally got out of my shell a little and worked on my voice, god it was horrible sounding in the beginning lmao). The main sacks for what I considered DRF's most productive era were Mogknight (Shellholder), Thelan, Liseth (me!), Lillie, and Homeslizzle. Nyanoh (<3) would later join us, and Eugene would always imo be an honorary sack for helping me maintain my sanity throughout the madness closer to the end of my tenure as a member in DRF. In retrospect, I'd probably say my best friends from here other than Mog were (in no particular order) Eugene, Tajin, Nyanoh, Talmor, Anarane (we hardly knew each other but we instantly clicked!) and Tzaellia especially. Those were the people I like to surround myself with and I always loved doing things with them. Thelan and Lillie weren't bad up until I had left either, they get an honorary mention just because I am a forgiving person and I had some entertaining times with both of them.
I guess in Part 2 I'll discuss my decision to quit the game and what exactly got me so frustrated that I felt that I had to leave the game indefinitely. It wasn't pretty...anyway until next time!
So...DRF. Yes, it was my first real Linkshell, where I solidified my relationships with people whom I still speak to today. It all started with my friend from Hornie, Amanada and his promy ENM group whom I started to go with for a while on a weekly basis. It was here where I met DJ MK (Mogknight) the temperamental tarutaru PLD whom I would come very well acquainted with in the coming months. I met Poombala (Maat's cap lady) here too, a very odd individual, whom I could never really understand fully but she was a nice person and I've pretty much got along with her. It was during the week of the 21st of December that I had to decided to leave TheAftermath as we did absolutely nothing in that LS due to the time of year...which was crap. I wanted to play. So around January 11th or so I had finally responded to one of Mogknight's shouts to openly recruit members into his LS. I joined up immediately after asking him some questions. I don't even remember what I had asked to be honest, but the point is I joined and DRF became my home until August 13th 2007 in FFXI.
The leadership at the time of my joining consisted of Mogknight (shellholder), Thelan (sack), and Aelvin (sack). This is where I really had started to play the game, in my opinion, after learning the basic ropes of how an HNMLS operated from AM. I was there for DRF's major firsts: first Weekend God run, first Kirin, first Dynamis (San D'oria), first official Limbus run, first Northlands run, first Sea farm, first Vrtra (w/CC), first Proto-Omega etc. I had only gone Summoner to one DRF event ever. That event being our first god run where Moggie kindly let me lot the LS's first Zenith Crown. From that point in time on I came BLM to everything, with the exception of a few things I had come RDM to after I finished leveling that in March of '07.
Eventually, I was made into a sack for DRF, not just because of Moggie's sensibilities for me but because I had been playing such an active role in shaping what the LS was becoming. People would follow me and listen to what I said before I was made a sack so I guess it was only natural that I was made one. I also think Moggie made me a sack to somehow keep me from leaving the LS. (This had eventually been a futile effort, as I had left the game over the state of the LS in August of '06). From there on I had been accepted into Moggie's circle of friends and began having weekly LS meetings with them (eventually contributing over Teamspeak as well, where I finally got out of my shell a little and worked on my voice, god it was horrible sounding in the beginning lmao). The main sacks for what I considered DRF's most productive era were Mogknight (Shellholder), Thelan, Liseth (me!), Lillie, and Homeslizzle. Nyanoh (<3) would later join us, and Eugene would always imo be an honorary sack for helping me maintain my sanity throughout the madness closer to the end of my tenure as a member in DRF. In retrospect, I'd probably say my best friends from here other than Mog were (in no particular order) Eugene, Tajin, Nyanoh, Talmor, Anarane (we hardly knew each other but we instantly clicked!) and Tzaellia especially. Those were the people I like to surround myself with and I always loved doing things with them. Thelan and Lillie weren't bad up until I had left either, they get an honorary mention just because I am a forgiving person and I had some entertaining times with both of them.
I guess in Part 2 I'll discuss my decision to quit the game and what exactly got me so frustrated that I felt that I had to leave the game indefinitely. It wasn't pretty...anyway until next time!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Herald's Gaiters!
It's over. And when I say over I mean over. I do not have to lose sleep any longer and I am fucking stoked! Herald's Gaiters (mine). woo.
On the Dying Linkshell
So...Linkshells die all the time right? Of course they do, I've only seen it happen three times since I started playing FFXI. It's not fun to see it happen either, as you kinda lose touch with people whom you spend (spent) most of your casual time with. Not to mention it's incredibly retarded to have to start over somewhere new when you like your current Linkshell as it was prior to it's failure to survive.
What exactly are the tell-tale signs of a dying LS? (IN MY OPINION! MINE, MINE, MINE! /points at the word opinion)
1. A sudden drop in event attendance
This is usually a gradual process one-by-one people begin to stop coming to events, most of them without notice, of which many do not return for whatever reason. When this happens you'll have 30+ people attend one event one week and 12 people attend the next. Often times events are canceled because of this as it more often than not would waste the time of the people that actually gave a damn to come. Also if there's only 8 people on your LS (for LSes with 30+ normally) on the weekend at all times, it's a pretty good indication your LS in headed for the shitter.
2. Decrease in Morale
It's a good sign that your Linkshell is dying if everyone has seemed to get discouraged over everything and anything that goes wrong. That is never getting that one drop, always getting screwed over with the same lame drop (HALLO Omega's Eyes, Bahamut's Hose, Xarc BST AF2...fuck yeah!), wiping to something utterly stupid, not claiming HNMs, people not showing up to events, etc. etc. ad infinitum. Just know when emo levels go off the deep end and your LS is utterly devoid of any motivation at all...it's a good sign that it's going to implode.
3. /socialls on on on (HNMLS onry)
When LS leaders constantly joke about going social, in response to the LS's overall low attendance, and even lower morality it's probably closer to the end than you might like to think. ><
4. When everyone has everything, drop wise
Why is there a need to do anything then, if everyone has everything? There isn't plain and simple, and usually "everyone" doesn't include you.
5. When the LS leaders can't agree on anything
When this happens LS's 'splode. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. Either way your LS is eventually going straight to Hell.
6. When your LS leader(s) take off with the bank
Mmmmmmm, yeah. If this happens, it's a good sign your LS is already dead. Give yourself a pat on the back fof spending all those hours farming Dynamis/HNMs/Sky/and whatever else so that your former LS leader could afford his new flat screen 42" HD TV.
So I guess that's all I really had to say, I'm sure there's other things people can add to this, and things I forgot to put in here, but oh well, maybe next time!
What exactly are the tell-tale signs of a dying LS? (IN MY OPINION! MINE, MINE, MINE! /points at the word opinion)
1. A sudden drop in event attendance
This is usually a gradual process one-by-one people begin to stop coming to events, most of them without notice, of which many do not return for whatever reason. When this happens you'll have 30+ people attend one event one week and 12 people attend the next. Often times events are canceled because of this as it more often than not would waste the time of the people that actually gave a damn to come. Also if there's only 8 people on your LS (for LSes with 30+ normally) on the weekend at all times, it's a pretty good indication your LS in headed for the shitter.
2. Decrease in Morale
It's a good sign that your Linkshell is dying if everyone has seemed to get discouraged over everything and anything that goes wrong. That is never getting that one drop, always getting screwed over with the same lame drop (HALLO Omega's Eyes, Bahamut's Hose, Xarc BST AF2...fuck yeah!), wiping to something utterly stupid, not claiming HNMs, people not showing up to events, etc. etc. ad infinitum. Just know when emo levels go off the deep end and your LS is utterly devoid of any motivation at all...it's a good sign that it's going to implode.
3. /socialls on on on (HNMLS onry)
When LS leaders constantly joke about going social, in response to the LS's overall low attendance, and even lower morality it's probably closer to the end than you might like to think. ><
4. When everyone has everything, drop wise
Why is there a need to do anything then, if everyone has everything? There isn't plain and simple, and usually "everyone" doesn't include you.
5. When the LS leaders can't agree on anything
When this happens LS's 'splode. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. Either way your LS is eventually going straight to Hell.
6. When your LS leader(s) take off with the bank
Mmmmmmm, yeah. If this happens, it's a good sign your LS is already dead. Give yourself a pat on the back fof spending all those hours farming Dynamis/HNMs/Sky/and whatever else so that your former LS leader could afford his new flat screen 42" HD TV.
So I guess that's all I really had to say, I'm sure there's other things people can add to this, and things I forgot to put in here, but oh well, maybe next time!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Why the U.S. is Going Hell
Mmmmmmmmmk, my pretties, today let's talk about what's going on in the World! Namely in the United States. Yes exciting I know, but what does this have to do with you? Well you live here, that's what! So lets get down to the nitty gritty while I inform everyone why exactly I believe the U. S. is headed for imminent failure in the near future.
First of all, we as Americans have become EXTREMELY conceited after WWII and it's the worst it's ever been right now in 2008. We used to make everything. TVs, Airplanes...lightbulbs, were all made in the U. S. A., but individualism has literally neutered us as we have made a shift from those that make everything to becoming what some may call the "World's consumers." Everything is outsourced now to places like Mexico and India, due to corporate greed's need to cut the bottom line making money where it could be made.
(Also just to note, in the past we were very important customers to China buying 1/5th of what they produced. From what I've heard we now barely buy 10% of our imported goods from China).
So anyway, how is our economy supposed to sustain itself when we make nothing anymore sending all of our money out and nothing in? I don't think it can honestly. Compared to a more "Collective" society, that is a group of people that care for the betterment of the whole of their people, America's individual/elitist attitude is going to send us straight to Hell. A society that only cares about themselves (individual-wise) is bound to break down. Americans are more anti-social than ever, everyone must be so separate, and sharing...lolsharing. Who the fuck shares? Obviously losers like the Chinese who's economy is coming on-line, while ours comes to a slow and destructive halt. We're so awesome.
The 2008 Presidential race also shows another weakness we as Americans have since during and after the Civil War. We are a nation divided. I mean god, lets look at the main candidates on the Democrats side. Hillary Clinton, white-kinda old, woman vs. Barrack, "Osama" I'm a Black man, Obama. The demographic that mostly votes for Mrs. Clinton are white-kinda old women, and the demographic that mostly votes for Barrack Obama are Blacks. To top that off our man Barrck has like 90% of the Black vote which is crazy in my opinion how do you clinch that much of a demographic to vote for you? It's simple really America is divided. It's a who's-who of Blacks, Whites, Mexicans, Asians, Indians, American Indians, Atheists, Agnostics, Christians, Muslims, Zionists, Israelites, and whoever else I forgot. We're all people godammit, but I guess it's human nature to hate. People want to be with and support those whom they can most identify with or are of their own kind, humans are totally apes.
It's just incredible to me that we're supposed to be such a diverse melting pot but everyone kind of sticks to themselves. Every household is like a mini-country and the word "neighbor" no longer exists. It's all about smearing the reputation of the other guy and caring about none other than yourself, and always being on the defensive on issues even though you just might be wrong.
And these are my random thoughts for the day ppls.
First of all, we as Americans have become EXTREMELY conceited after WWII and it's the worst it's ever been right now in 2008. We used to make everything. TVs, Airplanes...lightbulbs, were all made in the U. S. A., but individualism has literally neutered us as we have made a shift from those that make everything to becoming what some may call the "World's consumers." Everything is outsourced now to places like Mexico and India, due to corporate greed's need to cut the bottom line making money where it could be made.
(Also just to note, in the past we were very important customers to China buying 1/5th of what they produced. From what I've heard we now barely buy 10% of our imported goods from China).
So anyway, how is our economy supposed to sustain itself when we make nothing anymore sending all of our money out and nothing in? I don't think it can honestly. Compared to a more "Collective" society, that is a group of people that care for the betterment of the whole of their people, America's individual/elitist attitude is going to send us straight to Hell. A society that only cares about themselves (individual-wise) is bound to break down. Americans are more anti-social than ever, everyone must be so separate, and sharing...lolsharing. Who the fuck shares? Obviously losers like the Chinese who's economy is coming on-line, while ours comes to a slow and destructive halt. We're so awesome.
The 2008 Presidential race also shows another weakness we as Americans have since during and after the Civil War. We are a nation divided. I mean god, lets look at the main candidates on the Democrats side. Hillary Clinton, white-kinda old, woman vs. Barrack, "Osama" I'm a Black man, Obama. The demographic that mostly votes for Mrs. Clinton are white-kinda old women, and the demographic that mostly votes for Barrack Obama are Blacks. To top that off our man Barrck has like 90% of the Black vote which is crazy in my opinion how do you clinch that much of a demographic to vote for you? It's simple really America is divided. It's a who's-who of Blacks, Whites, Mexicans, Asians, Indians, American Indians, Atheists, Agnostics, Christians, Muslims, Zionists, Israelites, and whoever else I forgot. We're all people godammit, but I guess it's human nature to hate. People want to be with and support those whom they can most identify with or are of their own kind, humans are totally apes.
It's just incredible to me that we're supposed to be such a diverse melting pot but everyone kind of sticks to themselves. Every household is like a mini-country and the word "neighbor" no longer exists. It's all about smearing the reputation of the other guy and caring about none other than yourself, and always being on the defensive on issues even though you just might be wrong.
And these are my random thoughts for the day ppls.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Somes more pics and stuff on Tiamat.
So I'm bored, tired, and camping Tiamat (again) tonight for how ever long I manage to stay sane doing so. I'd like to use this post to detail or rather chronicle my last Tiamat on Sunday night/Monday morning at like 3:30am....
This attempt was the epitome of low-manning what most other LSes can't even kill with two alliances...I'm not trying to say we're badass, but we're badass. What would be a normal holding party for your random LS is what we used to kill Tiamat, and I must say we killed him flawlessly, of course we always do...ANYWAY. It was like 3am and I was sleeping between windows, I just about had enough of it to be honest and wanted to get some real sleep. So I got up and watched for Tiamat to pop at it's window and it did. Massive calls ensue in my pt just trying to get them awake. There was hardly anyone on LS, just the six people we had down in chasm including me. So a few people were MSNed and we managed to muster up an additional two people willing to get out of bed for this.

Setup was as follows:
Tank pt:
BRD/WHM (relic)
RDM/DRK (me)
DD pt:
(BLM/WHM) Dual Boxed
(WHM/BLM) Dual Boxed - was there for moral support really, wasn't actually used iirc

Needless to say it was an easy fight, as a RDM I have three jobs really, and they aren't hard by any means. Firstly, the most important job is to Stun Firaga 3. I think I've come a long way as to understanding how important this is, pretty much I'll wait through whatever orange flappy throws at us and immediately Stun Firaga 3 the best way I can. Usually I'll Stun and Haste myself right after. I always try to keep my Haste up. With my current Stunning setup I can Stun every 30 seconds or so and I pretty much do use it that often for the entire duration of the fight (or 100k HP). As a RDM that /DRKs everything pretty much it should be noted that I've played around quite a bit with my Stunning setup, and I definitely believe that my current setup is the best I've had. Notable items that I actually macro in are:
Jupiter's Staff
Warlock's Chapeau +1 (Fast Cast enhancement + 5% recast which I must note is the same as Walhara Turban....RDMs DON'T FUCKING USE THIS POS)
Nashira Manteel (+3% Haste +5 Dark Magic Skill + 5 M.acc.)
Balrahn's Ring (+4 M.acc)
Swift Belt (+4% Haste)
Merciful Cape (+5 Dark Magic Skill)
Morrigan's Cuffs (+5 M.acc)
This puts me at 210 Dark Magic Skill with ample M.acc to help with freak resist rates.
(I also use this same setup when I Chainspell Stun....works like a dream, Stuns never last too long leaving lots of room for error ^)

So yeah my other job is keeping Slow 2 on....makes for a happy tank(s). Enough said here really, I stack a decent amount of MND gear when I cast this and I normally don't have any trouble landing it, though there are times it just won't land, which is to be expected, Tiamat is fucking resistant as hell.
At this particular point in I'm casting in the following for Slow 2 via two macros showing MND gear onry:
Terra's Staff
Yigit Gages (MND +5)
Tamas Ring (MND +5)
Aqua Ring (MND +5)
Jet Seraweels (+7 MND)
Mahatma Pigaches (+6 MND)
Penitent's Rope (+5 MND)
Prism Cape (+4 MND)
Bugard Leather Strap +1 (+1 MND)

My last job during Tiamat is keeping Phalanx 2 up on the tanks which provides -22 damage (max) in addition to whatever setups they might have (which I do not know, I'm not a true tanking individual!) So anyway, I cast this in gear which gives me 301 Enhancing Magic Skill.
Glamor Jupon (+3 Enhancing Magic Skill)
Warlock's Tights +1 (+15 Enhancing Magic Skill)
Merciful Cape (+5 Enhancing Magic Skill)
Duelist's Gloves (+15 Enhancing Magic Skill)
Enhancing Torque (+7 Enhancing Magic Skill)
From spawn to death it took the eight of us approx. an hour and twenty minutes to kill it. And it didn't do an uber WS once (i.e. Horrid Roar etc.). If you do the math the four BLMs we had each did about 25k damage each in a very short time. Not to mention they handled whatever adds we got...a couple of Corses, and a few elementals. Fight Tiamat like this was among one of the most memorable things I've done in game, and I really hope I get a chance to do it again it's entertaining to watch entire LSes watch such a small force killing such a heavily camped HNM.
Back to camping/sleeping. (Hopefully less camping, and more sleeping!)


Setup was as follows:
Tank pt:
BRD/WHM (relic)
RDM/DRK (me)
DD pt:
(BLM/WHM) Dual Boxed
(WHM/BLM) Dual Boxed - was there for moral support really, wasn't actually used iirc

Needless to say it was an easy fight, as a RDM I have three jobs really, and they aren't hard by any means. Firstly, the most important job is to Stun Firaga 3. I think I've come a long way as to understanding how important this is, pretty much I'll wait through whatever orange flappy throws at us and immediately Stun Firaga 3 the best way I can. Usually I'll Stun and Haste myself right after. I always try to keep my Haste up. With my current Stunning setup I can Stun every 30 seconds or so and I pretty much do use it that often for the entire duration of the fight (or 100k HP). As a RDM that /DRKs everything pretty much it should be noted that I've played around quite a bit with my Stunning setup, and I definitely believe that my current setup is the best I've had. Notable items that I actually macro in are:
Jupiter's Staff
Warlock's Chapeau +1 (Fast Cast enhancement + 5% recast which I must note is the same as Walhara Turban....RDMs DON'T FUCKING USE THIS POS)
Nashira Manteel (+3% Haste +5 Dark Magic Skill + 5 M.acc.)
Balrahn's Ring (+4 M.acc)
Swift Belt (+4% Haste)
Merciful Cape (+5 Dark Magic Skill)
Morrigan's Cuffs (+5 M.acc)
This puts me at 210 Dark Magic Skill with ample M.acc to help with freak resist rates.
(I also use this same setup when I Chainspell Stun....works like a dream, Stuns never last too long leaving lots of room for error ^)

So yeah my other job is keeping Slow 2 on....makes for a happy tank(s). Enough said here really, I stack a decent amount of MND gear when I cast this and I normally don't have any trouble landing it, though there are times it just won't land, which is to be expected, Tiamat is fucking resistant as hell.
At this particular point in I'm casting in the following for Slow 2 via two macros showing MND gear onry:
Terra's Staff
Yigit Gages (MND +5)
Tamas Ring (MND +5)
Aqua Ring (MND +5)
Jet Seraweels (+7 MND)
Mahatma Pigaches (+6 MND)
Penitent's Rope (+5 MND)
Prism Cape (+4 MND)
Bugard Leather Strap +1 (+1 MND)

My last job during Tiamat is keeping Phalanx 2 up on the tanks which provides -22 damage (max) in addition to whatever setups they might have (which I do not know, I'm not a true tanking individual!) So anyway, I cast this in gear which gives me 301 Enhancing Magic Skill.
Glamor Jupon (+3 Enhancing Magic Skill)
Warlock's Tights +1 (+15 Enhancing Magic Skill)
Merciful Cape (+5 Enhancing Magic Skill)
Duelist's Gloves (+15 Enhancing Magic Skill)
Enhancing Torque (+7 Enhancing Magic Skill)
From spawn to death it took the eight of us approx. an hour and twenty minutes to kill it. And it didn't do an uber WS once (i.e. Horrid Roar etc.). If you do the math the four BLMs we had each did about 25k damage each in a very short time. Not to mention they handled whatever adds we got...a couple of Corses, and a few elementals. Fight Tiamat like this was among one of the most memorable things I've done in game, and I really hope I get a chance to do it again it's entertaining to watch entire LSes watch such a small force killing such a heavily camped HNM.
Back to camping/sleeping. (Hopefully less camping, and more sleeping!)
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Omg pix....yes, I'm a little lazy, shut up. :P
I've been REALLY lax with pictures so I'm going to post my most recent ones (within the last week or so) for everyone to enjoy....somehow I didn't take any of Mog and I duoing on DNC and SCH....makes me kinda emo, but enough of that! NO EMO ALLOWED! Anyway pictures *m'yes*


Luke literally killing himself @Timmy Camp. He's obviously too lazy to Warp even though he's on BLM. >.>;;


Helping some random JP trying to get the sword this thing drops. I'm a kind and gentle person, really.

Luke literally killing himself @Timmy Camp. He's obviously too lazy to Warp even though he's on BLM. >.>;;

Oh hi thar Mr. Big, Orange, and Flappy
Friday, April 4, 2008
So I decided in my infinite wisdom that I need a new plan of attack in finding a new occupation/direction in my life. I'm just going to write down a few ideas here to get my mental juices flowing. First I think I'm going to write down a few things I'm good at in a list....rather, a few things I would like to think I'm good at. :P
Things I am good at
1. Playing/writing music - I'm absolutely not a virtuoso, but I have the utmost confidence in my musical talent and I'm definitely willing to share it with the world if I can get people to listen.
2. Writing in general - I'm not too bad of a writer. I've never had any problems putting down what I feel onto paper, and when I'm motivated I can write on and on and on.
I really can't think of anything else I'm really that good at....I can draw okay but what real skills do I have that I can take with me into a workplace? Moreover what is it exactly that I'm looking for in a new job? Perhaps another list in order....not that my last list was a list more like two points.
Things I am looking for in a job
1. Acceptance for who I am - I find this to be paramount above all other things, if I cannot act naturally as myself (within reason...not crazy Ris!) what's the use of working at a said place? None...but beggars often cannot be so choosy. Though, am I being choosy or am I just being realistic? I want to present myself as the professional woman I am is that too much to ask?
2. A feeling that I am doing something that contributes in a positive way to society - Is there any other honest non-money related reason to work? Not in my opinion. At the end of the day I want to feel like I did something to make the world a better place.
3. Money to help finish off my transition - Money is important but all I really care about at this particular point and time is getting enough $$ to put towards finishing my transition. whether that comes in actual wages or in good insurance.
4. Maybe a friend or two (or three) - Everyone needs friends....need I say more.
5. A desk with a nice view of some random albeit awesome city - Yeah right, I'm dreaming!
6. Respect - Last but not least, everyone needs a little respect. Show it to others and you'll receive it yadda yadda...it's tough though in my position to be able to demand the respect I want/deserve. So yeah, I want the respect I deserve, and I'm not really talking about in terms of how you would give a supervisor respect, just general human respect based upon the person you are. I guess I could've put this with my first point, but I put it down here again since it's so important to how I feel, soooooooooooo bite me!
Things I need to improve about myself
1. Self-Confidence - I used to have a lot of this, I dunno where it all went but yeah I need more self-confidence.
2. Patience - I need to learn how to exercise this more, and not get frustrated at small things.
3. Attention Span - I need to focus more on what needs to be done instead of occupy my time in the workplace with needless eccentricities and extra baggage I absolutely do not need there.
4. To smile more - It's always good to smile, the more you do the more others will around you, or maybe they'll just look at you weird and wonder if you had gotten laid last night. >.>
5. Procrastinating - Everyone needs to work on this....we all just need to get what we need done so we can be done sooner. I especially need to work on this!
Well...I guess that's all I'm going to put down here for now I need to uh....stop procrastinating and focus my attention on my work because I...uh...am at work.
Things I am good at
1. Playing/writing music - I'm absolutely not a virtuoso, but I have the utmost confidence in my musical talent and I'm definitely willing to share it with the world if I can get people to listen.
2. Writing in general - I'm not too bad of a writer. I've never had any problems putting down what I feel onto paper, and when I'm motivated I can write on and on and on.
I really can't think of anything else I'm really that good at....I can draw okay but what real skills do I have that I can take with me into a workplace? Moreover what is it exactly that I'm looking for in a new job? Perhaps another list in order....not that my last list was a list more like two points.
Things I am looking for in a job
1. Acceptance for who I am - I find this to be paramount above all other things, if I cannot act naturally as myself (within reason...not crazy Ris!) what's the use of working at a said place? None...but beggars often cannot be so choosy. Though, am I being choosy or am I just being realistic? I want to present myself as the professional woman I am is that too much to ask?
2. A feeling that I am doing something that contributes in a positive way to society - Is there any other honest non-money related reason to work? Not in my opinion. At the end of the day I want to feel like I did something to make the world a better place.
3. Money to help finish off my transition - Money is important but all I really care about at this particular point and time is getting enough $$ to put towards finishing my transition. whether that comes in actual wages or in good insurance.
4. Maybe a friend or two (or three) - Everyone needs friends....need I say more.
5. A desk with a nice view of some random albeit awesome city - Yeah right, I'm dreaming!
6. Respect - Last but not least, everyone needs a little respect. Show it to others and you'll receive it yadda yadda...it's tough though in my position to be able to demand the respect I want/deserve. So yeah, I want the respect I deserve, and I'm not really talking about in terms of how you would give a supervisor respect, just general human respect based upon the person you are. I guess I could've put this with my first point, but I put it down here again since it's so important to how I feel, soooooooooooo bite me!
Things I need to improve about myself
1. Self-Confidence - I used to have a lot of this, I dunno where it all went but yeah I need more self-confidence.
2. Patience - I need to learn how to exercise this more, and not get frustrated at small things.
3. Attention Span - I need to focus more on what needs to be done instead of occupy my time in the workplace with needless eccentricities and extra baggage I absolutely do not need there.
4. To smile more - It's always good to smile, the more you do the more others will around you, or maybe they'll just look at you weird and wonder if you had gotten laid last night. >.>
5. Procrastinating - Everyone needs to work on this....we all just need to get what we need done so we can be done sooner. I especially need to work on this!
Well...I guess that's all I'm going to put down here for now I need to uh....stop procrastinating and focus my attention on my work because I...uh...am at work.
Minor Malfunction in lolsea
So I was put on the spot yesterday in Sea and I led everyone to a dead end where the Ix'MNK ??? spawns. We were searching for Temperance which I haven't had a problem popping alone. I must have had a brain malfunction or something see for some reason we had went NW first which is a nono imo. Normally to hit all of the towers within the period of a day I take the npc near SW and start N so you can work your way back through the portals without needing to wait on the npc etc. Anyway, I usually go N, NW, SW run to the otherside. NE, then downstairs and into SE. It's not hard by any means. Griffie had us all move together which to me was counter productive. It would've been much easier to put a BLM at each tower and kill at the same time. Yeah the downside to this is losing a lot of exp when Gravity wears if you do not know how to hold it in a corner of one of those square shaped rooms, but to me I find it most efficient because everyone has something to do death or no death. Oh well, shit happens I'm not that upset about it. I plan on going back to pop it probably today, I just hope for the love of god that people are on to help when I pop it.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Phalanx 2
Just for the record meriting Phalanx 2 and Slow 2 to their maximum reduce the likelihood of tanks dying.
Phalanx 2 + Slow 2 + Shell V x Barfira/Carol = a tank that lives = less emo
Bio 3 is nice....but Bio 2 still WORKS well for solo. DON'T BE A FEWL and merit Bio 3 like I did only to demerit it. This has been a PSA brought to you by Cats who get litter all over your kitchen counters.
Phalanx 2 + Slow 2 + Shell V x Barfira/Carol = a tank that lives = less emo
Bio 3 is nice....but Bio 2 still WORKS well for solo. DON'T BE A FEWL and merit Bio 3 like I did only to demerit it. This has been a PSA brought to you by Cats who get litter all over your kitchen counters.
Perked up
Okay so I'm really starting to think my emo bout has worn off. And that's a good thing! Leaves time for more productivity and less in the depressive muck of....MUCKINESS. On a side note, I need to really fix this blog up a bit, it's quite BORING if I should say so myself. There is really no reason for anyone to come here like EVER. I need more pictures, more focus, and most of all more cats. Yes cats. Why? Because cats are cute and they'll cute up everything they touch until the entire world is well....CUTE. Some cats though are messy and get their litter boxes everywhere, like the fucking kitchen counter. GROSS.
So yeah...I recently received a Bahamut's Staff, which makes me a happy camper ^_^
Other notables: Usukane Sune-Ate and Noritsune Kote.
Friday is Froggy Friday this week. Hopefully Zhay drops some gote so a certain MNK can be a happy MNK again! *rolls eyes* Oh and please Ms. Sixth Floor Madame....drop some Macha's Pigaches for me!
So yeah...I recently received a Bahamut's Staff, which makes me a happy camper ^_^
Other notables: Usukane Sune-Ate and Noritsune Kote.
Friday is Froggy Friday this week. Hopefully Zhay drops some gote so a certain MNK can be a happy MNK again! *rolls eyes* Oh and please Ms. Sixth Floor Madame....drop some Macha's Pigaches for me!
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