Friday, November 2, 2007

Ten things you need to know about me

1. Music is the driving force in my life. I have a need to perform and create music. The more epic and depressing, the better.

2. I love my mom so much. I can't express how thankful I am to her for all the things she has done for me.

3. I don't like "wet" foods. That means if my food is swimming in grease, butter, salad dressing, fat, or whatever else might possibly make it "wet" it can GTFO. Oh, and I don't like Bacon or Beef so they can GTFO too. I drink only water.

4. I am a transexual woman. An MtF (Male-to-Female). I pass easily when I have the right attitude. I like men.

5. I love to read, but I get easily distracted or tired when I try and read for extended periods of time.

6. I need to learn how to throw things away. I am what many would call a "pack rat."

7. I am forgiving. Trust me--I never used to be forgiving, and I think the world is better place because of it.

8. I play Final Fantasy XI. I was originally from the Cerberus Server. I moved to Carbuncle earlier this week. My jobs to 75 are Black Mage, Red Mage, and Summoner.

9. I want to write a book before I die. A GOOD ONE!

10. I wear my sunglasses at night.


Nyanoh said...

/wave ^^ I'm really looking forward to your posts.

Pascale said...

Still, come visit us on Cerberus from time to time!

Mowgul said...

Hiya Liseth so this is where you ran off to i c :P /wave