Monday, November 19, 2007

So...'s been over a week since I typed anything here. Call me lazy. I just got sidetracked with lolffxi, as soon as I got back from Mass my main priority was getting my DRK to 37 and I did in about three days (in fact, I got it to 38). In the meantime, I worked Thursday and Friday last week, did a few HNMs, and my first Tiamat on Saturday night as RDM/DRK! Was fun, we killed him in about 45 mins. Dropped D. Cloth and some Kote.

Been thinking about how my life is going and right now it's a very good but bad time. My transition will soon be in full swing when I move. My mom decided to let her boyfriend stay with us. It's the second person she's let come here, the first being my brother's girlfriend. I'm not trying to sound mean but I honestly don't see eye to eye on things with either of those people which causes me pretty much not to like them. Don't get me wrong I can bear with them, but I would never let them stay here.

Anywho, before I move up to Mass three things need to happen. One, my name change, which happens next Wednesday. Two, I need to find a job up where I'm going to be living. And three, the place where I'm staying needs to be completed. It's looking like it's going to be really nice, the house is freaking huge and evidently is haunted. There are offices in the lower part of the building and evidently it was made for ballroom dancing during the 1800s.

Site of the week: Here's one that's full of lulz

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