Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Zeni NMs: My Thoughts

SE in their infinite wisdom decided to release a new NM system with the last version update we had on June 19th and I have to say it's pretty fun. It involves farming points via taking pictures with a Soultrapper (Hello, Pankration!) of monsters in order to receive pop items. At first I thought this was really lame and not fun at all, but it is pretty fun to be perfectly honest, it's something you can do for thirty minutes and stop. It's really the most casual NM system SE has released yet.

There are five tiers to the system and a boat load of NMs in each tier. As to be expected as your progressively go up the ladder the NMs get harder. Most tier 1 and 2s are a joke, but Tier 3s have a few absolutely retarded hard ones. Like Experimental Lamia...

Most of the rewards are pretty lame but I welcome new things to fight.

We (my LS and I) managed to get a set together for the Tier 4 Khimaira named Tyger, I'll have to let everyone knows how it goes when we do it on Saturday!

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