Monday, July 14, 2008

Where not to leave your car keys...

Today when I went out for lunch I did the most righteous thing I've done in probably three or four years...lock my keys inside of my car. I'm not quite sure what possessed me in doing that. I even made an effort to roll up all the windows BEFORE I slammed my door shut. During the summer I don't normally do that either. It wasn't like I was going too far. I mean the eatery was situated about twenty feet from my car. Yeah, I don't get me either don't worry. I think what made me lock my keys in was the fact I had swapped them with my phone which was in my purse. For whatever reason I didn't bring that in the restaurant either! What the fuck!?!?!?!? (lol) Okay, so I had my cellphone at least I had that instead of having to beg the restaurant to let me use their telephone.

I called my mom to see if she knew of anything we could do and she eventually came out to see if we could break in with a coat hanger. No dice...then something fucking weird happened!!!! Incoming some random black dude he leaned over to us and said "I bet I could get in there with a better chance than you two." So we employed the help of this fellow. For whatever reason the coat hanger alone wasn't cutting it so they started to look for some kind of tool in trunk of my Mom's car. She evidently had a prying device (i.e. a crowbar) in her trunk and they began to totally annihilate the weather stripping of my dilapidated automobile. Enter some random white guy in a red pickup truck with two kids. He asked if we needed a slim jim which he had. We said "sure"... we could certainly use whatever help we could get believe me this car is bastardly to break into. Without success the white guy couldn't get in so my mom and the black guy continued to pry the side of my locked door open eventually getting the lock on the inside to come loose and unlock. With a wink and a smile the whole situation was over and I was free to roam the earth again in the fastest hunk of junk in my garage.

1 comment:

Nyanoh said...

LOL Poor Liseth.. I'm glad you got it figured out for free though :) You gotta have it happen at least one time and be able to laugh at yourself (oddly enough you'll remember it and it won't happen again :P)