Friday, April 4, 2008


So I decided in my infinite wisdom that I need a new plan of attack in finding a new occupation/direction in my life. I'm just going to write down a few ideas here to get my mental juices flowing. First I think I'm going to write down a few things I'm good at in a list....rather, a few things I would like to think I'm good at. :P

Things I am good at

1. Playing/writing music - I'm absolutely not a virtuoso, but I have the utmost confidence in my musical talent and I'm definitely willing to share it with the world if I can get people to listen.

2. Writing in general - I'm not too bad of a writer. I've never had any problems putting down what I feel onto paper, and when I'm motivated I can write on and on and on.

I really can't think of anything else I'm really that good at....I can draw okay but what real skills do I have that I can take with me into a workplace? Moreover what is it exactly that I'm looking for in a new job? Perhaps another list in order....not that my last list was a list more like two points.

Things I am looking for in a job

1. Acceptance for who I am - I find this to be paramount above all other things, if I cannot act naturally as myself (within reason...not crazy Ris!) what's the use of working at a said place? None...but beggars often cannot be so choosy. Though, am I being choosy or am I just being realistic? I want to present myself as the professional woman I am is that too much to ask?

2. A feeling that I am doing something that contributes in a positive way to society - Is there any other honest non-money related reason to work? Not in my opinion. At the end of the day I want to feel like I did something to make the world a better place.

3. Money to help finish off my transition - Money is important but all I really care about at this particular point and time is getting enough $$ to put towards finishing my transition. whether that comes in actual wages or in good insurance.

4. Maybe a friend or two (or three) - Everyone needs friends....need I say more.

5. A desk with a nice view of some random albeit awesome city - Yeah right, I'm dreaming!

6. Respect - Last but not least, everyone needs a little respect. Show it to others and you'll receive it yadda's tough though in my position to be able to demand the respect I want/deserve. So yeah, I want the respect I deserve, and I'm not really talking about in terms of how you would give a supervisor respect, just general human respect based upon the person you are. I guess I could've put this with my first point, but I put it down here again since it's so important to how I feel, soooooooooooo bite me!

Things I need to improve about myself

1. Self-Confidence - I used to have a lot of this, I dunno where it all went but yeah I need more self-confidence.

2. Patience - I need to learn how to exercise this more, and not get frustrated at small things.

3. Attention Span - I need to focus more on what needs to be done instead of occupy my time in the workplace with needless eccentricities and extra baggage I absolutely do not need there.

4. To smile more - It's always good to smile, the more you do the more others will around you, or maybe they'll just look at you weird and wonder if you had gotten laid last night. >.>

5. Procrastinating - Everyone needs to work on this....we all just need to get what we need done so we can be done sooner. I especially need to work on this!

Well...I guess that's all I'm going to put down here for now I need to uh....stop procrastinating and focus my attention on my work because at work.


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