Monday, August 4, 2008


My doctor and I have been playing phone tag for the last two months and this morning we FINALLY made contact which is a breath of fresh air for me. He wanted to know all the typical stuff about my health, as a check up of sorts without having to go to his office.

I went to the dentist this morning and they told me I have very good hygiene and that my teeth were very nice. I like when people compliment me like that!

FFXI was pretty bleh last night. Everyone was so off it wasn't funny. I'd ask things over the LS and would get zero response. /emo We ended up losing Einherjar because we probably got the worst possible mobs on the final wave, those being 50k HP Dragons who pwned almost everyone there at least once. The boss was a behemoth but we had no hope of winning after the catastrophe that the dragons caused. At least we got full points for the zone. Salvage was crap mostly, my current group has only gotten Mad Bomber once so after the first floor there isn't many 35s to farm besides lolbees for one person.

Hopefully this week goes okay, so far, so good. Work has been work I recently got another raise so I'm fairly happy at my job for the time being.

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