Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What's been going on?

Well, I haven't typed here in what, a week? I've been so busy trying to work on a bunch of new projects and trying to maintain some sort of sanity in my HNMLS.

My LS has been doing great as expected. We've been doing Einherjar twice a week, and got our first Tier 3 win last Sunday. It was crazy, we had less than five minutes when we killed the Vampyre boss.

Monday we did Dynamis-Xarcabard and it yielded five AF2 two of which were utter trash. SMN WAR SAM WHM and NIN. We had a really rough start due to inexperienced tanks but we got it together after about the third NM set. I dced for like an hour and missed the rest of the run following the NMs.

Yesterday, we did a whole bunch of things. An Omega thanks to Grifter, and a Jailer of Prudence and Hope both of which went well. We killed Prud in like five minutes. I love doing it the new way the old way is retarded and people die so yeah. Notable loot last night was Homam body and Hope Torque (grats me!).

Tonight is another Einherjar I REALLY want to do Tier 3 but we'll see who shows up. It'll probably end up being Tier 2.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

*Homam Body* GRATS ME!