Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Update is actually...decent.

So the update is actually very good. I'm impressed. The new NM system kinda turned me off at first, but I think it'll pan out to be something very good for FFXI. People everywhere seem to have a new interest in the game, and just in time for Summer at that. Ixion seems to be a win NM, with decent drops at that. Einherjar seems do-able with smaller groups now as well.

The LS has been going very well, we got our first Novio and Novia last night. So we have three Novios including myself in the LS now. We did BV2 earlier this week and it went really well. Got one of our BRDs a shiny new Sh'air Manteel.

Life has been pretty care-free. I haven't been feeling like shit for a change. Maybe it's a combination of the sun being out and the increase my doc gave me on my hormonal meds. Work has been going okay of the late so I can't really complain, though there's always that one thing that happens daily that just makes a person want to kick a puppy. And no, I would never EVER kick a puppy it's a figure of speech. <3333333333333 puppies. While we're at it <3333333333333 kitties too!

Oh and thank you to that special someone who sent flowers to me last week! That made me feel really good...was walking around the house for forty-five minutes all giddy that day!

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