Thursday, June 26, 2008

Reprisal/God's A Fool

Okay so I'm writing lyrics for a set of new songs I'm working on and I feel like posting a couple so check it out! They are for a concept album I plan to do in the future...ANYWAY, enjoy if you're into this kind of thing.


Will I wake up tomorrow?

Well, that’s really a question if I want to live

Or give myself up—Yeah, I’d rather die

I’m so tired of running…

How long has it been?

Probably fifteen years or more

I think it’s time to stop being a fugitive

From myself…

From them…

And the rest of the World

I think it’s time to finally do something about this

And murder all of my fears

I think it’s time to make my stand

Or die trying.

God’s a Fool

If it was up to me this would’ve been over years ago

I’m sure of it

Though I often wonder

Did I ever have any control?

No, I never did…

Why am I even here?

This isn’t how it was meant to be

I should’ve been someone somewhere else

A person who isn’t me.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Oh and by the way...'s cruel and unusual punishment to execute child rapists. /fume

What's been going on?

Well, I haven't typed here in what, a week? I've been so busy trying to work on a bunch of new projects and trying to maintain some sort of sanity in my HNMLS.

My LS has been doing great as expected. We've been doing Einherjar twice a week, and got our first Tier 3 win last Sunday. It was crazy, we had less than five minutes when we killed the Vampyre boss.

Monday we did Dynamis-Xarcabard and it yielded five AF2 two of which were utter trash. SMN WAR SAM WHM and NIN. We had a really rough start due to inexperienced tanks but we got it together after about the third NM set. I dced for like an hour and missed the rest of the run following the NMs.

Yesterday, we did a whole bunch of things. An Omega thanks to Grifter, and a Jailer of Prudence and Hope both of which went well. We killed Prud in like five minutes. I love doing it the new way the old way is retarded and people die so yeah. Notable loot last night was Homam body and Hope Torque (grats me!).

Tonight is another Einherjar I REALLY want to do Tier 3 but we'll see who shows up. It'll probably end up being Tier 2.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Lissy Moves to Windy

I always planned to move to Windurst eventually. It's pretty much been in the back of my mind for quite a while, and yesterday I took action. That's right folks, I packed my trusty Chapeau and Staves into a Chocowagon and moved to Windy. I feel like such a traitor especially after living in Bastok ever since Lissy was born there. I'm honestly not sure if I'll do Sandy missions. I really don't care about the hustle and bustle of Sandy, but Windy on the other hand seems like a nice place to settle down and retire. :3

In other news, I got an Omega Ring last night for my RDM. A couple weeks ago I finished Morrigan's Robe as well. My LS is pwning...and thank god we're doing Einherjar I really love that event. So far we've taken down everything in Sea (not AV), Tiamat, and Bv2 just to name a few. I'm very proud of everyone that came over with me from FM to make the LS as great as it is.

Salvage is still something I constantly do, Moggie finished Usukane feet last night in a very dramatic long and drawn out battle with a Frog. My biggest goal now that that is over is to get some fucking Ares to drop. My group has had no love with Ares yet so we need some!

I guess that's all I really have to say for the moment. T'il next time tata.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Freedom from Deceit

Oh Lord, it is you
To whom I beseech--
My every breath and living step
Are yours should you so choose

Take my Soul into the infinities
So I may see the Beyond
Even if I may ignite...
Or burst into flames
Even if I burn to ash...
And cease to be.

Oh Lord, it is you
To whom I beseech--
Take my Soul into the infinities
So I may see the Beyond.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Update is actually...decent.

So the update is actually very good. I'm impressed. The new NM system kinda turned me off at first, but I think it'll pan out to be something very good for FFXI. People everywhere seem to have a new interest in the game, and just in time for Summer at that. Ixion seems to be a win NM, with decent drops at that. Einherjar seems do-able with smaller groups now as well.

The LS has been going very well, we got our first Novio and Novia last night. So we have three Novios including myself in the LS now. We did BV2 earlier this week and it went really well. Got one of our BRDs a shiny new Sh'air Manteel.

Life has been pretty care-free. I haven't been feeling like shit for a change. Maybe it's a combination of the sun being out and the increase my doc gave me on my hormonal meds. Work has been going okay of the late so I can't really complain, though there's always that one thing that happens daily that just makes a person want to kick a puppy. And no, I would never EVER kick a puppy it's a figure of speech. <3333333333333 puppies. While we're at it <3333333333333 kitties too!

Oh and thank you to that special someone who sent flowers to me last week! That made me feel really good...was walking around the house for forty-five minutes all giddy that day!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Update Notes

Well...the June update is finally here and it's very underwhelming. I wish they would've given us more to look at, I mean it's very plain (like my blog!). I guess I'm most excited about the furniture changes...I'm going to have soooo much space now. But Mog said in his blog I'm neither happy or unhappy with the update as of yet. I hope something good comes out of it. I wonder how the HNM thingy is going to work, that's what I want to see the most. The Einherjar changes are long overdue, but since we actively do Einherjar with another LS, these are certainly welcome as we start the higher tiers later this week. Eh...the update seems ok. I give it a B- based on the update notes alone.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

It begins, it begins, it begins...

I finally got my Macha's Coat last Friday, which was one of the most exciting days I've had in game yet. I had a firesale, totally de-gearing my NIN's sellable gear, undercutting on the harder to sell stuff to get the gil I needed for twelve Imperial Wootz Ingots. When I logged Friday night I had eight. By morning I was completely done and began looking at the next problem I would have to overcome in finally finishing my Morrigan's Robe...Long-Bowed Chariot.

For those that don't know why this is such a hurdle it involves not only getting up to the fifth floor in decent time, but also an incredibly frustrating set of ten single gear pulls on the forth floor. The boss's damage and tp moves are weakened by killing all ten, and its TP move Homing Missile is nerfed from resetting hate. Pulling the ten gears isn't so simple though. They are really sensitive and like to emo-warp if you aren't careful. You have to aggro them by damage, and if you aggro by sight or sound or magic aggro they warp. If you don't kill each one in a minute...they warp. Imagine having to do that ten fucking times. It's nerve racking. My new Salvage group is getting there though, last night our THF, a fucking amazing puller if I should say so myself got all 10/10 and we were able to kill LBC in about thirteen minutes.

It was Mog's first boss win and he also received the last piece to finish Usukane legs. I have a lot of faith in this new group, I think we're capable of getting people their stuff after doing this. Of course, it's going to take practice. Bodb's Robe...didn't drop last night. Phobos head did...yeah I was disappointed, but I should be so lucky that I have some great friends that are willing to go with me to see me get this, I think that leaves me ever more satisfied than actually getting the stupid 25 piece. I'll get it eventually, yeah I would like it now, but sometimes you can't always get what you want right away. Fact is, I think my new Salvage group has something to it, and I'm excited to see how far we get, I have confidence.

Salvage is thrilling, with Einherjar I am all but satisfied with playing FFXI at this particular point in time. It gives me immense joy leading people to victory even if I myself still have so much to learn.