Thursday, May 29, 2008


I have become as Death
Forgive me...
For my Heart is devoid of emotion
Am I the cause...
Am I the cause...
Of all our Pains?
Or have I made my own the World's?

It has, it was, so difficult
To Love
How could I ever think...
To overcome
This swollen Hurt?
How could I ever think...
To sever
my Disdain?

I sometimes wonder
If I ever lived
The Life that was planned for me
Or did I transgress
The silent Decrees
Set forth to me
Before my Soul exhaled?

Where did I ever find the happiness to continue
Despite the harsh digression we were forced to take?

How did I ever learn
To even care?
Or was it only because
I knew...
I knew...
That you would
Never leave
That you would
No matter what
Forever and always
Be there.

It has, it was, so difficult
To Love
How could I ever think...
To overcome
This swollen Hurt?
How could I ever think...
To sever
my Disdain?

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