Wednesday, November 7, 2007

On :3 (random thought)

:3 is that which transcends all other emotes, because it is open-ended and ambiguous. I probably use :3 more than I should, but it's incredibly easy to use when you just don't have anything, well, better to say. I only wish I could use it with people I see face to face everyday, and I often wonder how one could express :3 with one's body language or face. In any case, here's some reactionary examples of just how incredibly useful :3 is.

Pretty :3

Cute :3

Didn't see this one coming. :3

I'll pass, thank you. :3

Uh :3



MogKnight said...


Anti~ said...



Nyanoh said...

It's all Zubis' fault I started to use ":3" like 2 years ago in FFXi. I thought it was silly and stupid and didn't make any sense, and I always thought he was pouting which made him emo and frustrating.


constant habit! teeehee

Pascale said...

Yeah it's become a habit for me too :3 -- I blame Mog for it, mostly.