Friday, March 7, 2008

Novio Earring!!!!!

After much strife and many adventures, LisethCat arose from the ashes after finally defeating once again one of Vana'diel's most notorious monsters Jailer of Love. Her colleagues battered and beaten discovered full drops in the rubble of the giant flying jellyfish...Novia Earring going to none other than the infamous Humnoi FM's relic BRD, Lukeroybaljr recieving the elusive torque of Love, and our protagonist LisethCat walking away with an earring more powerful than the radiation of Chernobyl and Sellafield 2 combined. Behold Novio Earring!!!!!!!

Nuke your hardest Lise and never falter, pummel and lie and wait for each and every HNM you might ambush. Besiege the pudding camp and vow yourself unto the Order only the Blackest of mages can vow themselves to! Hello 2400 nukes!

Yeah that was lame, but you can tell I'm enthused...this is just amazing and like I can't thank FM enough. They may crush other peoples dreams but they certainly make some come true as well.

Time to nuke 7 times harder ladies and gents. Oh and Morrigan's Cuffs and Nashira Manteel (mine).

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