Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I've been thinking a lot about courage recently. And needless to say, without it, I wouldn't have been able to get beyond the adversity that I've had in my life thus far. Standing up against insurmountable odds is courage. Everyday we are up against possible hurt or difficulty somehow thrown into the paths. Anything can happen at anytime, being able to live beyond that and speak about is only possible by standing up for what you truly believe. Living life itself takes a lot of courage, people murder themselves everyday because they simply felt they couldn't hack it by dealing with the cards they were given. I often wonder had people who committed suicide been more courageous and saw their destinies fulfilled, if the majority of them would be with us today. Life isn't a black hole, I don't think it was meant to be. We're here to learn something and face adversity with all guns blazing.

I've been apprehensive about things before. About committing myself to making something happen. It's like an invisible force that says "no you fucking can't." This outlook is brought on partially by fear, and partially by our natural human response towards making logical decisions. I think getting beyond this barrier is one of the most difficult things a person can do for themselves. Courage is about standing up for yourself, even if you're bound to fail. Failure begets eventual success, at least that's how I see it. Hell, the guy who made Hershey's Chocolate a household name failed more times with his business ventures than I can count on my hand. He eventually made it in the world because he had the courage to keep going. Running away from your dreams or problems for that matter will only result in depression, feelings of despair, further fear from overcoming adversity, as well as self-hatred. I've been there, I've seen myself at my worst, ready to drown myself in the bathtub because I thought I couldn't handle life. Something happened though. Something clicked, and I was the only one to ignite that within myself. It takes a lot to say "I can do this." It really does, but doing things is the only way we get things done.

Chew on that for a while! I bet it'll make your mouth tired from all the strength you'll need mustering up a little courage the next time you need it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good post, and I couldn't agree more. Most people attribute courage to saving someone from a burning building, however if you don't have the courage to stand up for yourself, and the things you believe in.... Then what is left for there to be couragous about? Nada. The most courageous people are the ones that begin historical changes that totally goes against the current belief of their time.

For that matter, it's like the idea of a citizen soldier. You don't have to be a marine, or a military soldier to fight for your country. There are many ways to fix corrupt and unjust problems in life, the question is do you have the courage to take these things as far as you need to.