Thursday, January 17, 2008

It's been a while, it's been a while. Probably too long to be perfectly honest. I'm still alive...I think. ANYWAY, let's recap what's happened in my life since I last made an actual effort to post something up here. Firstly, I've been through a medical roller coaster the last few weeks but it has calmed down...finally. My doctor had thought I might of had a blood clot in one or both of my legs and ordered me to get an ultrasound done or what he termed "Bilateral Venous Doppler." Turns out I was perfectly fine as I had expected. I just know if you have something wrong with you, and I knew I didn't. So yeah, now that that is over with I'm almost in the clear to be done seeing my doctor as much as I've had to. He's been monitoring me closely the last six or seven months and it seems the hormones are doing what they are supposed to.

Now comes the next task, getting the fuck out of here. That is, here where I live, to somewhere new where I can live on my own to finally get on with my life. I'm really scared, scared for money mostly, but in general I'm scared. I want my transition to go as smooth as possible, and so far, so good, but I need money to help pay for it, and if I don't have that I really don't find any use in living. Yes, I sound emo, yes there are solutions to everything, but the solution to everything usually boils down to maintaining a steady cash flow.

Been keeping up with my weekly electrolysis visits, we're down to a little under and hour and a half now on treatments, and I'm really noticing the results. I really can't wait to be done.

My FFXI life has been great needless to say. I sometimes think I should back off a bit, I'm borderline nlp atm, but with nothing much else to do I guess it's okay. Got Ninja to 75 lol....

I'm still really shakey with Chainspell Stun, I do it okay on Baha 2 but DL was really difficult to gauge, it really doesn't help either when he knocks a person back with Gravity on them. Talk about feeling emo afterward. I just hope they trust me again to CSS DL, I really haven't gotten many chances to practice so any chance I can get will only make me better at doing CSS.

I do Salvage like 5-6 times a week in FM it's kinda nuts and sometimes gets boring but it gives me something to do I never had a chance to do on Cerberus.

As far as "phat lewt" I haven't received much since coming but I've gotten a few nice things...Sorcerer's Belt from Dynamis-Valkurm, Astute Cape from Sea, and Nashira Feet (going on my mannequin when I get one). Oooooo and recently I also finished my Yigit set. I'm resting in style now. :P

Guess that's all I have on my mind for the moment.

Bye now!